Tag: BCBS 239

Ravi Chari 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 14

Principle 14: Home and host cooperation - Supervisors should cooperate with relevant supervisors in other jurisdictions regarding the supervision and review of the Principles, and the implementation of any remedial action if necessary. The financial crisis underscored the importance of data quality and data latency in the area of risk

Data Management
Ravi Chari 1
Series: BCBS 239 – Principle 13

Principle 13: Remedial actions and supervisory measures - Supervisors should have and use the appropriate tools and resources to require effective and timely remedial action by a bank to address deficiencies in its risk data aggregation capabilities and risk reporting practices. Supervisors should have the ability to use a range

Jeff Hasmann 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 12

Principle 12: Supervisors should periodically review and evaluate a bank’s compliance with the eleven Principles above [described in BCBS 239]. Principle 12 is targeted primarily at regulators, but it has broad implications for banks’ internal risk management processes. In addition to evaluating capital adequacy and liquidity, banking supervisors also look

Data Management
Jose Etchegoyen 0
Series: BCBS 239 – Principle 11

Principle 11: Risk management reports should be distributed to the relevant parties while ensuring confidentiality is maintained. Early in 2013, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) issued guidelines for banks regarding risk data aggregation and reporting. Known collectively as BCBC 239, these principles were designed to ensure that banks

Sunny Zhang 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 10

Principle 10: Frequency – The board and senior management (or other recipients as appropriate) should set the frequency of risk management report production and distribution. BCBS 239 “Effective Risk Data Aggregation & Risk Reporting”, released in January of 2013, specifically requires that the bank’s board and senior management should be

Data Management
Jeff Hasmann 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 9

Principle 9: Risk management reports should communicate information in a clear and concise manner. Reports should be easy to understand yet comprehensive enough to facilitate informed decision-making. Reports should include meaningful information tailored to the needs of the recipients. While the data management and data aggregation principles have been heavily

Sonal Singh 0
Series: BCBS 239 – Principle 8

Principle 8: Comprehensiveness -  Risk management reports should cover all material risk areas within the organization. The depth and scope of these reports should be consistent with the size and complexity of the bank’s operations and risk profile, as well as the requirements of the recipients. One of the four

Data Management
Vickram Panwar 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 7

Principle 7: Accuracy - Risk management reports should accurately and precisely convey aggregated risk data and reflect risk in an exact manner. Reports should be reconciled and validated. Successful demonstration of Principle 7 requires senior management to rely upon the information presented in risk reporting. Since forward-looking strategic decisions are

Dr. Wei Chen 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 6

Principle 6: Adaptability – A bank should be able to generate aggregate risk data to meet a broad range of on-demand, ad hoc risk management reporting requests, including requests during stress/crisis situations, requests due to changing internal needs and requests to meet supervisory queries. Principle 6 of the “Principles of