Data Culture and Literacy

Stories of how organizations can develop an enterprise-wide data culture and drive data literacy to improve decision making.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Data Management
Kayt Leonard 0
5 tips for choosing a statistical computing environment

When you think about life-saving technology, does a statistical computing environment come to mind? Statistical computing environments (SCE) are critical in accelerating scientific discoveries by enabling researchers to manage, process and analyze data efficiently and compliantly, maintaining the utmost regulatory integrity. As life sciences research generates increasingly large and diverse

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Speed and Agility
Udo Sglavo 1
From surviving to thriving: The importance of speed and agility in resilient businesses

In 2023, businesses recognize the need to be resilient. With the global disruptions we’ve faced over the last few years, and continuing disruptions and instabilities, the need for organizational resilience has never been clearer. By building resiliency, organizations can adapt to changing circumstances, maintain stability and minimize damage from unexpected events.

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Bryan Harris 0
From data-driven to AI-driven: Scaling human productivity and decision making

Given the headlines each week, it is clear that global disruption and economic volatility are not slowing down. At the same time, information overload is far exceeding human capacity. Despite these pressures, business goals remain the same: improve revenue, increase margins, operate more efficiently and meet customer expectations. So, how do

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