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Emerging SAS Educator Award

Winner: Jingwei Wu, PhD

Jingwei Wu is an Associate Professor and Primary Research Faculty of the Biostatistics Core Center in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Temple University College of Public Health. He teaches both introductory and advanced biostatistics core courses for graduate students, including teaching them SAS® as the main analytical software. His research interest and expertise are to develop novel statistical and computational methods to address a broad spectrum of biomedical problems. In addition to his teaching, he uses primarily SAS® in his various collaborative research projects, including any internal and external grant applications.

Finalist: Daniela Jones, PhD

Daniela Jones is an Assistant Professor in the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at North Carolina State University and holds a joint-faculty appointment with Idaho National Laboratory. Jones develops large-scale heterogeneous and geo-temporal data-intensive models to understand better and enhance the sustainability of intensifying agricultural systems. Particularly, she analyzes the feasibility of harvesting, pre-processing, storing and delivering agrarian waste for energy conversion to reduce anthropogenic environmental impacts. Additionally, she works with industry to process data collected from gene expression to management practices to ground-based sensors (such as soil moisture sensors) to drone imagery to weather stations to satellite sensors during planting, growing, harvesting and packing to identify the factors that affect produce yield expressed as quantity and quality.

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About Author

Lilia Rodriguez

Global Academic Program Manager

Lilia Rodriguez, Ph.D. is an Academic Program Manager in the Academic Innovation and Strategy team at SAS where she helps advance analytics education by partnering with higher education institutions and by designing programs to responsibly support minority serving institutions. Before joining SAS, Rodriguez worked on the design, execution, and coordination of equity-oriented educational programs and tools across the P-20 pipeline, including local and global university-community partnerships. Rodriguez earned a Ph.D. in education from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her interdisciplinary training in the learning sciences, cultural studies, and anthropology influence her interest in human ingenuity and innovation for social improvement.

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