Convert the analytics agnostics: How to prove the value of customer intelligence early


What could you do with Derren Brown-like powers of persuasion? Convince your boss to give you that overdue raise? Turn the office cynic into your number-one fan? Convert analytics agnostics into data evangelists?

Unfortunately – or fortunately, depending on your point of view – Derren Brown is one of a kind. For the rest of us mere mortals, getting others to buy into a project or idea will usually involve giving hard proof of its value.

But, as attendees at our recent Customer Intelligence roundtable asked: how can you demonstrate value and get executive buy-in before investment is made? How can you prove something works, before it exists?

This issue is common across IT and analytics investment, and integrated marketing management (IMM) solutions are no exception. That’s why SAS works with customers to help demonstrate easy wins and get people on board from the start.

The fact is, most companies are already sitting on a wealth of data, packed with numerous ‘golden nuggets’ they don’t even suspect are there. By taking a sample of that data and exploring it, we can unearth all kinds of business insight that can quickly increase cost-efficiency, or drive revenue, or reduce churn…the list goes on.

For example, we recently ran a pilot to help a global online leisure retailer get early buy in. We analysed a sample of their data and showed they were losing customers simply because the postcode part of their form was badly worded – people were just giving up. They re-worded this section and saw a £1 million increase in revenue overnight.

Hard figures like these tend to get the attention of senior executives, transforming sceptics into supporters in no time at all – which is paramount to getting universal buy-in and, ultimately, project success.

So, to ensure your Customer Intelligence solution succeeds, will you:

  1. Persuade your audience with Derren Brown-style illusions?
  2. Challenge SAS to help you demonstrate easy wins and the value of analytics?

Did you choose option B?  Contact 01628 486933 (if you are in the UK) for more information about how SAS Customer Intelligence can improve you communications. 


About Author

Cindy Etsell

Principal Marketing Specialist

Cindy joined SAS UK in 2010 as a Retail Consultant. Her focus is to help build and drive SAS UK’s retail business, with responsibilities that include increasing the awareness of SAS to potential retail customers, liaising with existing customers to ensure satisfaction and speaking on behalf of the company at key industry events. Her knowledge and skills enable her to quickly address customer challenges within a specified budget and timeframe, ensuring positive outcome for SAS and its retail customers. Cindy brings a vast amount of experience to SAS. She started her career as a sales associate with Canadian retailer T. Eaton Company where she worked her way up to section head learning the trade and complexities involved in running a successful retail business. Since then, she has held roles in a number of major organisations, including Hewlett-Packard, SAP UK, and most recently Cisco which she joined in 2006 as industry business development manager for retail.

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