
Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS programming for the faint of heart

When we published the first edition of SAS For Dummies a couple of years ago, we received feedback from readers around the topic of SAS programming. In the book's introduction, we stated that the book doesn't cover the SAS programming language, but that there are many other fine books that

Alison Bolen 0
Talking about analytics

In a recent Datamation article, "Business Intelligence Software and Predictive Analytics," Jeff Vance asks, "What exactly is predictive analytics?" His answer, in part: "Take traditional business intelligence, combine it with data mining and add on statistical analysis and you have predictive analytics. Math geeks will squabble over the nuances, say,

SAS Events
Brendan Bailey 0
It's Time for Inside SAS Global Forum

Co-hosts Dave Thomas and Waynette Tubbs kick off the behind-the-scenes look at SAS Global Forum 2010.  Learn all about the conference's social media plans and how to submit your suggestions story ideas. Web Links:YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t_UJexoD20 SAS.com:http://www.sas.com/apps/webnet/SGF2010VideoBlog/index.html?videoID=isgf10episode1

Michael Smith 0
Less me, more blog

For the past 9 months I’ve been sharing my insights into pre-conference planning, and now things are really ramping up for SAS Global Forum. What does that mean for blog readers? You’ll likely see fewer posts from me – but more from some of my fellow SAS bloggers: • Anne-Lindsay

Programming Tips
Chris Hemedinger 0
In the year 9999...

...if man is still alive, will he be importing Excel spreadsheets and wondering why his leap years are off? I received this report from SAS Technical Support, on behalf of a customer who uses SAS Enterprise Guide to import spreadsheet data: The date "12/31/9999" will import as "02Jan****" when reading

Waynette Tubbs 0
The writing’s on the wall

I guess we’ve said it thousands of times in thousands of ways: SAS Global Forum is a meeting place. It’s a great opportunity to discuss SAS software and make connections with others who have similar interests and objectives. I can hear what you’re thinking: In this advanced communications age, many

Waynette Tubbs 0
Networking or working the Net?

There was a time when climbing the social and professional ladder meant you had to join the right clubs and shake the right hands. Effective networkers smiled at all of the right jokes, went to this party but not that and handed out business cards like a politician hands out

Michael Smith 0
Your Opinion Counts

SAS users groups are run by SAS users, with support, but not directives, from SAS. During my 15 year tenure in the SAS users group program, I’ve seen up close how important user feedback is in helping to improve the conference experience. Typically we gather feedback informally in presentation sessions

Chris Hemedinger 0
Keeping the spark alive with SAS Enterprise Guide

Robert Springborn has a special relationship with his SAS software. Like many long-time SAS users, Robert’s livelihood depends upon his advanced skills with SAS technology, as well as his analytical expertise. He’s been using SAS for over 28 years, which means when it comes to writing SAS programs, he’s comfortable

Learn SAS
Julie Platt 0
A Little Spring Cleaning

This past weekend, I decided it was time--time to take on the white grout in the white bathroom. After almost 15 years, the grout wasn’t quite as bright as it had once been. As I scrubbed, I thought, “There has got to be a blog post in here somewhere…” The

Chris Hemedinger 0
Giving students The Power to Know

Today, I had the privilege of speaking to a group of high school students at a community outreach event sponsored by the Human Resources division at SAS. Approximately 80 students from schools as far away as Charlotte came to visit SAS and hear about the impact that SAS and analytics

Chris Hemedinger 0
"SAS Talks" is home

The SAS Talks series is a big hit, and now we've got a landing page where you can find previously recorded talks, plus information about upcoming talks. You can learn about SAS programming with SAS Enterprise Guide, ODS statistical graphics, fancy multi-sheet output for Microsoft Excel from SAS, and more!

Learn SAS
Sandy Varner 0
No Kindle Required!

I LOVE to read. Six months ago, it was “bah humbug” for me when it came to eBooks. I want my print books! Then I got the Apple iPhone for Christmas and whoa, now I love reading online. Have you tried it yet? SAS Publishing Operations is working with the

Leo Sadovy 0
Unique business models, but common problems

Twenty-four sessions, twenty-four speakers, twenty-four different topics over just two days, and I didn’t just sit through the convention as a participant, no, I moderated the entire two day event as its Chairman. The Financial Forecasting and Planning Summit, organized by the IE Group, and held at the DoubleTree Mission

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