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Rick Wicklin 3
What is the metalog distribution?

The metalog family of distributions (Keelin, Decision Analysis, 2016) is a flexible family that can model a wide range of continuous univariate data distributions when the data-generating mechanism is unknown. This article provides an overview of the metalog distributions. A subsequent article shows how to download and use a library

Analytics | Data Visualization | Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Visualize how parameters in a binary logistic regression model affect the probability of the event

A previous article shows that you can use the Intercept parameter to control the ratio of events to nonevents in a simulation of data from a logistic regression model. If you decrease the intercept parameter, the probability of the event decreases; if you increase the intercept parameter, the probability of

Analytics | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 1
Simulate data from a logistic regression model: How the intercept parameter affects the probability of the event

This article shows that you can use the intercept parameter to control the probability of the event in a simulation study that involves a binary logistic regression model. For simplicity, I will simulate data from a logistic regression model that involves only one explanatory variable, but the main idea applies

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