A lot of companies publish corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports that describe their actions to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, in the absence of standardized reporting rules, it is not always clear how much of these reports is genuine action, and how companies compare from
How Nota Climat is pushing for companies’ decarbonation by creating transparency on their climate action
Tempos and time horizons matter in climate change risk mitigation
At governmental and policy level, there is increasing talk about the importance of climate change, and the need to act quickly. There appears to be growing understanding that everyone needs to act. Corporate reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues has expanded rapidly in the last couple of years,
Prise de décision partagée et transformation personnelle sur le parcours de la Business Value de l'analytique
On s'accorde de plus en plus à dire que presque toutes les entreprises devront recourir davantage à l'analyse. L'utilisation des données n'est plus un luxe, mais une méthode de travail essentielle. C'est un facteur d'efficience, d'efficacité et de centrage sur le client. Pour ceux d'entre nous qui travaillent dans le