
Mark Lambrecht

Dr. Mark Lambrecht, Director of the Global Health and Life Sciences Practice at SAS, joined SAS in 2005 and leads a senior team working for SAS’ healthcare and life sciences industry and organizations. His team is bringing SAS’ new HLS solutions to market and is constantly looking for innovation by identifying customer needs. He's also interested in data standards which enable the industry to share and reuse patient data to find new cures and for the benefit of mankind. Prior to joining SAS, Mark worked in the pharmaceutical industry and studied at the KU Leuven, Belgium and at Stanford University, USA. There, he worked as bioinformatics scientist specializing as a data scientist for high volumes of biological and genomics data using diverse technologies and approaches.

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Mark Lambrecht 0
Vijf uitdagingen in de zorg waar analytics en AI in 2022 bij kunnen helpen

Geen sector die de afgelopen twee jaar zo hard onder druk stond als de gezondheidszorg. En ook nu het einde van de pandemie in zicht lijkt, zullen veel uitdagingen rond Healthcare en Life Sciences niet verdwijnen. Gelukkig investeren zowel overheden als ziekenhuizen en farmaceutische bedrijven fors in data en analytics

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Visualization
Mark Lambrecht 0
Rastrear o surto do coronavírus através da Visualização de Dados

Nos primeiros dias e semanas de qualquer problema de saúde global generalizado, particularmente num surto de rápida evolução como o coronavírus, existem muitas incógnitas. A visualização de dados pode ser um bom ponto de partida para perceber tendências e transformar dados dispersos em algo útil. A capacidade de visualizar a