We realize that you might have ended up here by coincidence after activating a stored link for your favorite local SAS Blog. Nevertheless, do not worry, we will still address how Nordic companies and organizations can gain insight and get the power to know.
On the new Hidden Insights Blog, you will find bloggers from all over the Nordics. Some will blog in their native tongue, whereas others will do it in English. Whatever languages you prefer, you can filter the content you are looking for on your right hand side of the screen.
There are various ways to engage with the bloggers. Do feel free to join the discussion, comment, like or share the content you find on Hidden Insights. We also welcome guest blogger so if you have an idea for a blog within the bigdata analytics, you can reach out to me (per.hyldborg@sas.com).
We would also like to point you to the best content about SAS in the Nordics, advanced analytics and compelling industry insights.
Thank you for your attention.