We seem to be in the height of webinar season, so please add one more to your calendar, brought to you by SAS, CT Global Solutions, and the International Institute of Forecasters:
I'll be delivering a short introduction, covering the disappointing state of real life business forecasting in contrast to the potential shown in forecasting research and the M competitions. And then George Habek of CT Global Solutions will illustrate the use machine learning and traditional time series forecasting methods in SAS.
The live event is Tuesday, December 15 at 2:00pm EST (19:00 GMT). Registration is free.
About the webinar:
It has long been recognized that the real-life practice of forecasting falls well short of the potential exhibited in academic research and forecasting competitions. In 2018’s M4 competition, a simple benchmark combination method reduced error by 17.9% compared to a naïve (“no change”) forecast. The top six performing methods in M4 further reduced error by over 5% compared to the benchmark. But in forecasting practice, just bettering the accuracy of a naïve forecast has proven to be a surprising challenge.
Join SAS and CT Global Solutions, in association with Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, as they discuss reasons why forecasting practice falls short of theory, and ways to bridge the gap