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Curiosity is at the heart of everything we do here at SAS. It’s how we got our start, and it’s what will continue to drive us forward. Our people take pride in using their curiosity and creativity to answer all sorts of questions – questions that help customerscommunities, and people around the world 

Today, hear the unique stories of just a few of our curious minds! Click the orange “next” button to meet 4 folks using their creativity and curiosity to make a difference. 

Ayana Littlejohn, Consulting 

Ayana, Sr. Associate Analytical Consultant and SAS Black Initiatives Group (BIG) leadership council member is no stranger to asking questions. Her passion for advocacy and limitless curiosity led her to ask tough questions, and months later, her quest for answers has opened doors for global progress.  


About Author

Alyssa Grube

Communications Specialist

Alyssa is a Communications Specialist at SAS focused on culture, recruitment marketing and employer branding. She’s a creative storyteller who’s passionate about the intersection of people and brand, and loves sharing the SAS story.

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