
David Loshin 0
What is reference data harmonization?

A few weeks back I noted that one of the objectives on an inventory process for reference data was data harmonization, which meant determining when two reference sets refer to the same conceptual domain and harmonizing the contents into a conformed standard domain. Conceptually it sounds relatively straightforward, but as

Dylan Jones 0
How to re-frame your data quality elevator pitch

If you work in a data quality team then chances are you’ll experience that awkward moment when someone in your organization asks the obvious question: "So what does a data quality team do?" Most people (outside of data quality) find this a relatively straightforward question to answer, but it always

Jim Harris 0
A seasonal perspective on a single version of the truth

Yesterday was one of the two times a year that an equinox occurs. From its Latin roots, the term equinox translates as equal night since, on the day of an equinox, daytime and night are of approximately equal duration. This occurs because during an equinox the Sun is aligned with the center of the

Lisa Dodson 0
Asurewin Casino Review

Asurewin Casino Review TheAsurewin Casino offers several bonuses for new customers. Its largest campaign is TheAsurewin Welcome Bonus, which adds 50% of the first and second deposits to players' balances. This bonus has a cap of $2,000 and is available six times per week. In order to qualify for the

Jim Harris 1
Errors, lies, and big data

My previous post pondered the term disestimation, coined by Charles Seife in his book Proofiness: How You’re Being Fooled by the Numbers to warn us about understating or ignoring the uncertainties surrounding a number, mistaking it for a fact instead of the error-prone estimate that it really is. Sometimes this fact appears to

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