Avoid frustrations by following these 5 tips from David Loshin to create a successful data management strategy for analytics.
David Loshin provides an alternate take on streaming data in the context of legacy systems.
GDPR requires more than a simple privacy policy update. David Loshin outlines changes needed in the data management environment.
David Loshin says entity resolution isn't a bandage to fix errors – it should be part of your data strategy.
In the extended enterprise, data integration challenges abound. David Loshin explains.
David Loshin looks at two levels of data privacy concerns: exposure, and fair use of personal information.
David Loshin says the hardest part of compliance is knowing if a data asset contains personal data, and ensuring you can protect it.
David Loshin describes four key traits of fully data-driven businesses.
David Loshin explains what it means to be a data-driven business by describing three different models.
David Loshin describes some steps you can take to ensure that self-service data preparation improves collaboration.