Search Results: data warehouse (170)

Mike Ames 0
EL-T Technique 1: Batch Loads with Teradata Example

This is the first post of a multi-part series on EL-T integration. Lately I’ve been inundated with requests for information about SAS’ ability to do EL-T style (Extract Load then Transform) integration with Data Integration Studio, especially in Teradata shops that use SAS, so we thought it would be useful

Mike Ames 3
Big Data why now?

Ask any data warehouse architect what is driving the “big data” craze and he’ll tell you it has to do with the cost of storage and the advancements in distributed computing and most likely will mention Hadoop. Most enterprise data warehouses are constrained by cost and scalability of relational databases.

Jim Harris 9
The First Law of Data Quality

“You don't talk about data quality.”  No, wait—that's The First Rule of Poor Quality Data. The First Law of Data Quality: “Data is either being used or waiting to be used—or wasting storage and support.” Although understanding your data is essential to using it effectively and improving its quality, as

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