Buzz around's not just the next wave


Is Google+ the new David to Facebook’s Goliath?

In my opinion... No.

But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t becoming a viable social media channel that has made significant leaps and bounds in the way we approach social media networks.  Let’s look at the “pluses” and minuses of the channel and what it means for businesses and marketers.

(note: If you need a quick primer, check out What is Google Plus? - A Video Tour and watch The Google+ project: A quick look. And the truly curious among you should watch The Google+ Song.)

So what has Google+ accomplished so far? For starters, it has managed to gain a significant following much faster than anyone could have predicted. As of writing, there are over 25-million members.

Time for Google+ to reach 10 million users graph

That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s caught on with the general public. When Google+ went live it was only accessible by invitation …how hard that invitation was to get is another story., meaning the early adopters tended to be tech-savvy, social media geeks (I say that in a completely complimentary light…as I, myself, am an uber-geek). Take a look at the Top 10 Companies represented by Google+ Users:

(Geekfest, right? Let’s remember geeks are taking over the world so, the general public is sure to follow.)

Google+ Experience

So what is Google+ offering that Facebook other mainstream social networks aren’t? Beyond some unique features, that I will list momentarily, I believe the overall organizational structure and ease of use interface is what sets it apart.  It takes a bit to get used to but, the UI is really quite genius.

Customization in Google+ is integrated into all facets of the network, allowing you to tailor your experience as you move along.  This is where the channel really exceeds in the Privacy arena. With other networks you have to set your privacy customizations initially (and often) and they usually blanket your overall experience. Google+ takes this and breaks it down to the individual content level in a very simplistic way without making it a cumbersome on the user.  In other words, you are completely in control of what audience sees what content. So, if you don’t want your boss seeing those pictures of you at Oktoberfest, you can make those selections by selecting what Circles you post them to.

Google+ Features

  • Circles – the way Google+ allows you to organize your “contacts”.  It offers you the option of creating multiple circles to add your friends to depending on your preferences. For instance, you may have certain people assigned under business contacts, or acquaintances, or Celine Dion Fans…it’s up to you. And this is where the customization really comes into play.  Google+ allows you to pick and choose what posts can be seen by each circle. Oh, and one more thing…other people cannot see your circles so, don’t worry about throwing someone in the “People I hope I never run into again” circle.
  • Huddles – basically group chat that can be accessed on mobile devices.  We’ve seen applications like this before with Beluga and GroupMe but, now Google+ integrates it into a complete social media network.
  • Hangouts – video group chat that can be used among selected individuals or entire circles.
  • Sparks – allows you to get news and information about your interests and focuses.

Google+ Upside

With Google’s integration of tools (Reader, Search, Chrome , Gmail, etc.) and the clean interface (that almost reminds me of another usability giant…cough, Apple, cough…someone at Google just cringed) from a business /marketing perspective, the sky may be the limit.  Google+ pages could very well prove to be the social media channel answer that brands have been pining for.  A lot remains to be seen as, technically, Google+ is not yet offering any page options for brands.  But many brands already smell the potential of the channel.

If content is king in the marketing arena then Google+ could have a comfy throne.  As Mark Ivey points out in his post, The Google+ Wakeup Call: What it Means for Marketers, “Google already dominates information search…So the G+ volunteer army will be busy sharing, promoting and creating massive amounts of content-new conversations, links, interest in issues, products and much, much more. Marketers need to get in front of this tidal wave, just like they’ve had to do with Twitter and Facebook.” I could not agree more!

Google+ Downside

Well, some may view it as just another piece of noise amongst the social media onslaught.  People have become well-established on the social media networks of their choice and getting them to adopt, much less completely convert to something new is a big challenge. Also, the general public has already been acclimated to the Facebook-type social media structure.

Not that Google+ is lacking, it is simply different but, just ask Facebook how difficult it is to get an everyday user to adopt a different interface.  Lastly, Google+ is on a desert island when it comes to external integration.  There is no simple way to tie in to other accounts like Twitter, Facebook or Linked in.  Missed opportunity?  Definitely.  Keep in mind though, that Google+ is in its infancy and if we know anything about Google, they should be adapting the product rather quickly

Google+ Resources

Here are some blog posts and articles that I would suggest taking a look at now before the Google+ train officially leaves the platform:

Ultimately, Google+ may not be the end all be all social media network, but as David Armano explains, it’s definitely the next layer in the social media evolution.

I would love to get your feedback on Google+, what you like, don’t like, would change, how you see it affecting social media marketing, if you are going to add me to your “do not follow” circle?  Leave a comment or tweet me at: @Postgrad

Resource Recommendation of the Post: Google+’s Blog


About Author

Meg Crawford

Meg Crawford is the Social Media Marketing and Digital Strategist at SAS, where she works on integrating social media/digital components into marketing campaigns. Meg contributes to the Customer Analytics blog covering all things social and tech related...including SEO, content creation, and network marketing. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Technology and Communications at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Connect with Meg on Twitter at: @Postgrad


  1. Good points Meg. I think the biggest challenge for Google+ will be how to move beyond us 5% of geeks that love the clean interface, simple tools, etc. and capture the 95% of everyday users. Joe Six Pack may never leave Facebook since all his friends, family, high school classmates and others are firmly entrenched there. Will Google have the patience it has not demonstrated with other tools like Wave and give this new network time to grow?

    • Meg Crawford

      I totally agree, Brian. So far, Google looks like it is in for the long hall with Google+, exercising some timing and patience I haven't necessarily seen in the past. Only time will tell though. Getting the general public to come out of the comfortable den of Facebook is a huge hurtle...that being said, I don't see Google+ pushing people to truly convert just add to their options. It will be really interesting to see how brands start employing the channel.

  2. Waynette Tubbs
    Waynette Tubbs on

    Great post Meg. You really covered this new channel. I agree with you that Google's biggest challenge will be patience and foresight. It is easy to copy an idea that is already successful and tweak it so that it appears to be flashier; it's quite another to come up with a better idea. Google+ isn't yet a better idea. Thanks for this synopsis.

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