Blogging tips coming your way


Hi, I'm Alison. I've been blogging at the sascom voices blog for the past few years and recently moved into a new role as editor of blogs and social content for SAS. Right now, I'm focusing a lot of my time on developing our blogging program and coaching SAS employees how to blog. Dave and I thought this blog would be a good place to share some of the lessons and tips I'm collecting as I go, so you'll start to see my name pop up here from time to time.

Two things you should know: I'm not as funny as Dave, and I'm definitely not as much of a gadget geek. But I am every bit as passionate about the strategies we're developing at SAS to help employees use social media for marketing, innovation and customer support. And I like to talk about blogging. I launched my first personal blog in 2004, began blogging on the SAS intranet in 2005 and led a grass roots team that spearheaded the external blog program at SAS starting in 2006.

I was at SAS Global Forum two weeks ago along with hundreds of other SAS employees and thousands of SAS customers. You may have seen some of the videos. Or the tweets. Or the press coverage. I spent my time there interviewing customers, attending presentations, writing blog posts and reading posts from many other conference bloggers. To recap that experience, I've written a quick list of tips for conference blogging. Watch for it here tomorrow.


About Author

Alison Bolen

Editor of Blogs and Social Content

Alison Bolen is an editor at SAS, where she writes and edits content about analytics and emerging topics. Since starting at SAS in 1999, Alison has edited print publications, Web sites, e-newsletters, customer success stories and blogs. She has a bachelor’s degree in magazine journalism from Ohio University and a master’s degree in technical writing from North Carolina State University.

1 Comment

  1. No worries, Alison. There are plenty of us "geeks" out here who think we're funny (my wife says most of my jokes are corny, but I still have fun cracking them).
    Like you, I started the external blogging program at my company (Citrix) back in 2006, when corporate blogging became politically correct to do. It's great to see the seeds we plant grow and flourish into what they are today, isn't it?

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