Chris Brogan's 2010 predictions for social media and New Marketing Labs


Chris visited SAS in late December. We got him into our video studio to have a conversation with Deb Orton from our Customer Intelligence team about the ways companies are using social media. Those conversations will be available soon on the SAS YouTube channel. Watch this space for more details.

I also took Chris aside and stuck a camera in his face to ask for his insights into the world of social media. I ended up with half of dozen of those and I'll be posting them over the next few weeks. Great reason to subscribe, don't you think?


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  1. Thank God, nothing about "location-based services." Pretty tired of hearing about how FourSquare, Gowalla and Brightkite is the future of the planet.

  2. David B. Thomas on

    Stay tuned, Matt. Chris talks about Foursquare in one of the other video clips. He has a pretty strong opinion.

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