Guiding Principles for Social Media at SAS

  • People are talking about SAS online whether we are there or not. It's good for SAS employees to participate in those conversations provided we do it in a way that is respectful of the standards of the online community, follows the Social Media Guidelines & Recommendations, the Online Conduct Guidelines, and behavior and computer use policies.
  • We trust SAS employees to represent SAS online in a professional manner, the same way we trust them to do it in the real world.
  • Don't talk about customers, partners or vendors, reveal private or proprietary information, intellectual property, pricing, details of customer installations or anything else that could harm our business or business relationships. The exception:  You can link to content on that references customers, like success stories, press releases and videos.
  • When you participate in social media, you are speaking for yourself, not on behalf of the company. Be sure to make that clear. And know that you are responsible for your actions.
  • Talk to your manager about your social media activities, what you're doing, how it relates to your job and how much time you spend doing it.
  • Open communication among employees, customers and the community at large will inevitably lead to some uncomfortable moments, but we can deal with those, and the benefits far outweigh the risk.

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  1. I think the trust you show in your employees by this position is admirable and can only have a positive impact on your company.
    If you really have a good product (I think SAS does) and good people, giving them the freedom to communicate share their ideas can only help.
    Ten points for you.

  2. Brian Simpson on

    Great guidelines, Dave. Thanks again for sharing these concepts with us at the Raleigh Public Relations Society meeting! We welcome you to visit any of our future meetings as a guest (or to become a member). More info can be found at See you later!

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