One of the lesser-known effects of COVID-19 has been on analytical risk models. Around the world, the pandemic has created a new reality. The situation became so unpredictable that financial institutions’ risk models lost their ability to make accurate predictions. Past performance, it turned out, was very definitely not a
Today’s business banking models are changing. Internal rating models enjoyed the spotlight for a long time, but new topics are already catching on. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are key new elements in addition to traditional techniques for model development. EU and international regulators have also taken an active interest
Oggi i modelli di business nel settore bancario stanno cambiando: i modelli di internal rating sono stati a lungo sotto i riflettori, ma nuove tecniche di modellazione stanno già prendendo piede. Machine Learning e Intelligenza Artificiale sono nuovi elementi chiave che si aggiungono alle tecniche tradizionali per lo sviluppo dei
The number of models used by large operators in the financial sector is increasing by around 10 to 25 percent per year. Most of the new models are designed to meet business needs, such as pricing, the definition of strategic plans and the management of liquidity. Some, though, are for
Negli ultimi anni l'uso sempre più diffuso di sofisticati modelli matematici, statistici e deterministici ha consentito alle istituzioni finanziarie di prendere decisioni strategiche, avendo a disposizione un nuovo livello di conoscenza. Nel contempo ha, però, condotto verso una nuova necessità: quantificare, misurare e gestire il rischio legato ai modelli utilizzati.
Organizations of all kinds operate in uncertain environments with challenging natural, political, socio-economic and cultural influences. These influences may affect their ability to meet their objectives. The uncertain economic situation of the past few years is a clear, real and pragmatic example of the effect of this uncertainty, something known