
Ryan Kumpfmiller
SAS and Data Visualization Consultant

Ryan Kumpfmiller works at Zencos Consulting as a SAS and Data Visualization Consultant where he provides consulting services to companies that need support understanding their data and how to get actionable information from it. He is an avid SAS user and has presented papers at the 2016-17 SAS Global Forum conferences. Ryan has his B.S. in Computer Information Systems and M.S. in Competitive Intelligence Systems from Robert Morris University.

Data Visualization | Learn SAS
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An introduction to SAS Visual Analytics: the Parallel Period function of the Derived Item calculations

My new SAS Press book “An Introduction to SAS Visual Analytics” (written in collaboration with Tricia Aanderud and Rob Collum) covers all of the different aspects of SAS® Visual Analytics, including how to develop reports, load data, and handle administration. Below is an example of the types of tips that you can find