The relationship between insurance companies and their clients has always been tricky due to several factors. But just like any other sector today, insurance organizations are transforming with digital technologies – and these solutions are customer-centric. What’s in store for customer relationships in the insurance industry? Keep on reading to
The transformation of customer relationships in the insurance industry
New forms of insurance fraud
The process changes that are taking place in the insurance world are massive. More and more insurance companies allow for remote sales of life products and entire sales processes have been simplified for the benefit of the customer. However, opportunities for abuse arose with them as well. A simpler process
Why good price means better customer experience: finding the balance in insurance
It is widely recognized that the right price is crucial in insurance. Insurance is what is known as a ‘grudge purchase’: customers know it is necessary, but they hope never to use it. This traditionally and theoretically means that they want to pay as little as possible for their insurance