Celebrations happen throughout the year. Here at SAS, we like to celebrate our users. The global Circle of Excellence program was started a little over a year ago to achieve this goal. We have been getting stories from you guys and posting them. Well, a new group for 2013 has
Celebrating Circle of Excellence members
Become part of the ‘Circle’
The dictionary defines excellence as the quality or state of excelling or something in which one excels. Here at SAS, we get our definition of excellence from the stories we hear – stories from you, about you. These stories are here – in the SAS Circle of Excellence. The Circle of
Celebrating your story
Celebrating anniversaries is part of our culture. We celebrate the important ones – like 50 years of marriage – and the difficult ones, like going a week without chocolate. Parents celebrate the number of times a toddler uses the potty, and teenagers celebrate the weeks they have been dating. Big