Why I Love My Job


Love WL

Meetings, emails, budgets, phone calls, more emails, a meeting that could be an email, an email that should be a meeting – sound familiar?  This is a typical work week for most of us. It is easy to get caught up in the next thing on the calendar and lose sight of the big picture – why we love what we do. Why we chose our career paths and how we ended up where we are now. I love my job. But sometimes I don’t take the time to think about why. This week, I had the amazing opportunity to be a part of something that reminded me – the STEM Career Showcase for Students with Disabilities. If you aren’t familiar with this event, it is hosted by the NC Museum of Natural Sciences in downtown Raleigh and is sponsored by several companies, including SAS. Most of the team that plan the event are from SAS. I have been a part of this team for four years, since the first showcase in 2013. It is the combined effort of people throughout the company, led by Ed Summers, Distinguished Technical Leader in the Accessibility and Applied Assistive Technology Department within R&D. It is one example of how SAS is more than the innovative products we are famous for; we are also a culture that cares about our community and the future of kids with disabilities who want to pursue careers in STEM or the arts or anything else they want to do! If you follow the hashtag #dataforgood you know about numerous other examples around the globe. In this season of gratitude, I am glad that I was able to pause and remember one of the many reasons why I love my job and am proud to be a part of this wonderful company. Now I have a meeting to get to…


About Author

Dana Aderhold

Manager, Work Life Programs

Dana Aderhold is the Manager of onsite Work/Life and EAP Programs for SAS. She manages both US and Global EAP programs and can help any employee or dependent better understand and use the EAP. She has both Bachelor and Master of Social Work degrees from NC State University and worked for several years with Wake County mental health programs.

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