Tag: stem

Analytics | Data for Good
Nicholas Quirke 0
2 paths to the top: How analytics gives students the professional edge

The global demand for analytics talent persists, with organisations facing challenges finding qualified individuals to support their growth. McKinsey’s recent survey revealed a significant shortage of skilled practitioners for the most in-demand tech skills, with less than 50% of the required professionals available worldwide. Despite the well-known STEM skills gap,

Alexis Mallis 0
How SAS® users are benefiting from the career versatility of data analytics

More than spreadsheets and formulas, data analytics combines technology, creativity and strategic thinking to help diverse industries make innovative discoveries and leave an impact where it matters most. Even historically, non-technical industries like agriculture, for instance, are tapping into data management and visualization to predict and reduce their carbon footprint

Analytics | Data for Good | SAS Events | Work & Life at SAS
Mimi Stapleton 0
Finding an effective way to drive change – by adding data

Six scholars from North Carolina A&T State University in technology– or STEM-focused majors helped foster the next generation of data-literate students while also donating to those in need. SAS recently facilitated a donation drive with students from the Wake County Young Men's Leadership Academy (WYMLA) in Raleigh, North Carolina and scholars from

Analytics | Work & Life at SAS
Sandra Hernandez 0
Mujeres que Inspiran en 2021: entre la inteligencia, la resiliencia y la analítica

Mujeres que se destacan en el plano profesional, que lideran equipos de trabajo con éxito, aportan inteligencia a la toma de decisiones empresariales y que a la par son protagonistas clave para mantener el equilibrio y el bienestar en sus hogares son las nuevas profesionales destacadas en SAS Women Empowerment

Gloria Cabero 0
El impacto de las mujeres y del STEM en el desarrollo de los negocios

A nivel mundial, la matrícula de mujeres en áreas como Tecnología de la Información y Comunicaciones (TIC) es particularmente baja, con un tres por ciento, al igual que en otras como Ciencias Naturales, Matemáticas y Estadística, con un cinco por ciento, e Ingeniería, Manufactura y Construcción, con un 8 por ciento. En

Analytics | Students & Educators
Lisa Morton 0
College-bound students with visual impairments learn to independently analyze data

This summer the Accessibility and Applied Assistive Technology team at SAS launched a new course that teaches students with visual impairments how to independently analyze data, which is a critical skill that all students need for success in college and their careers. However, many students with visual impairments don’t have

SAS Events | Students & Educators
Paula Henderson 0
Former US Chief Technology Officer encourages STEM diversity

Former U.S. Chief Technology officer Megan Smith stressed the importance of continued investments in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in her keynote address at SAS Analytics Experience, sharing a quote from George Washington. In his first address to Congress, in 1790, Washington said, “There is nothing which can better

Analytics | Data Visualization | Programming Tips
SAS Korea 0
얼마나 많은 여성들이 STEM 학위를 취득하고 있을까요?

4차 산업혁명은 전 세계 산업 구조는 물론 교육 환경에도 큰 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 지난 몇 년간 빅데이터, 사물인터넷(IoT), 인공지능(AI) 등 산업혁명을 이끄는 기술을 다루기 위해 필수적인 STEM(과학, 기술, 공학, 수학) 분야 교육에 대한 수요과 공급이 증가했는데요. 이처럼 STEM 교육에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 드러난 명암이 있습니다. 전 세계적으로 STEM 분야의 여성 비율은

Work & Life at SAS
Dana Aderhold 0
Why I Love My Job

Meetings, emails, budgets, phone calls, more emails, a meeting that could be an email, an email that should be a meeting – sound familiar?  This is a typical work week for most of us. It is easy to get caught up in the next thing on the calendar and lose

Students & Educators
Chris Hemedinger 0
What were your #FirstSevenLanguages?

My computer geek colleagues are boasting about their humble beginnings by sharing lists of their first seven programming languages. You can find these under the hashtag #FirstSevenLanguages. COBOLPL/1SASIFPSAPL370 AssemblerCSQLLisp#FirstSevenLanguages — Paul Kent (@hornpolish) August 16, 2016 From what I've seen of these lists, the programming languages that appear are very

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