
Yanick Slikboer
Sr. Business Solutions Manager

Yanick is Senior Advisor at SAS, dedicated to the EU institutions. In this role, he is building AI solutions to help Europe become stronger, greener and more resilient. Prior he was responsible for SAS’ customer advisory services in Western Australia and leading SAS’ European manufacturing practice. Before joining SAS, he worked at IBM Consulting, Vodafone Germany and DHL in Czech Republic where he held multiple roles in large scale digital transformation programs. Yanick studied in Maastricht and Montreal and holds an MSc. in International Business C.l. and an MSc. in Network and Information Economics

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Yanick Slikboer 0
Hoe AI modellen oceanen afspeuren om Russische olie te weren uit Europese havens

Sinds de start van de oorlog in Oekraïne heeft de Europese Commissie verschillende sanctiepakketten uitgerold. De economische impact van deze sancties op Rusland is significant en partijen aan Rusland gelieerd en/of op zoek naar commercieel gewin, zoeken voortdurend naar manieren om die sancties te omzeilen. Dit heeft ertoe geleid dat