How to get N-grams and TF-IDF count from Chinese documents


SAS Visual Text Analytics provides dictionary-based and non-domain-specific tokenization functionality for Chinese documents, however sometimes you still want to get N-gram tokens. This can be especially helpful when the documents are domain-specific and most of the tokens are not included into the SAS-provided Chinese dictionary.

What is an N-gram?

An N-gram is a sequence of N items from a given text with n representing any positive integer starting from 1. When n is 1, it refers to a unigram; when n is 2, it refers to a bigram; when n is 3, it refers to a trigram. For example, suppose we have a text in Chinese "我爱中国。", which means "I love China." Its N-gram sequence looks like the following:

n Size N-gram Sequence
1 [我], [爱], [中], [国], [。]
2 [我爱], [爱中], [中国], [国。]
3 [我爱中], [爱中国], [中国。]

How many N-gram tokens are in a given sentence?

If Token_Count_of_Sentence is number of words in a given sentence, then the number of N-grams would be:

Count of N-grams = Token_Count_of_Sentence – ( n - 1 )

The following table shows the N-gram token count of "我爱中国。" with different n sizes.

n Size N-gram Sequence Token Count
1 [我], [爱], [中], [国], [。] 5 = 5- (1-1)
2 [我爱], [爱中], [中国], [国。] 4 = 5- (2-1)
3 [我爱中], [爱中国], [中国。] 3 = 5- (3-1)

In real actual language processing (NLP) tasks, we often want to get unigram, bigram and trigram together when we set N as 3. Similarly, when we set N as 4, we want to get unigram, bigram, trigram, and four-gram together.

N-gram theory is very simple and under some conditions it has big advantage over dictionary-based tokenization method, especially when the corpus you are working on has many vocabularies out of the dictionary or you don't have a dictionary at all.

How to get N-grams with SAS?

SAS is a powerful programming language when you manipulate data. Below you'll find a program I wrote, using the DATA step to get N-grams.

data data_test;
   infile cards dlm='|' missover;
   input _document_ text :$100.;
data NGRAMS;
   set data_test;
   _tmpStr_ = text;
   do while (klength(_tmpStr_)>0);  
      _maxN_=min(klength(_tmpStr_), 3);  
      do _i_=1 to _maxN_;
         _term_ = ksubstr(_tmpStr_, 1, _i_);
      if klength(_tmpStr_)>1 then _tmpStr_ = ksubstr(_tmpStr_, 2);  
      else _tmpStr_ = '';
   keep _document_ _term_ _i_;

Let's see the SAS results.

proc sort data=NGRAMS;
   by _document_ _i_;
proc print; run;

N-gram results

N-grams tokenization is the first step of NLP tasks. For most NLP tasks the second step is to calculate the term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). Here's the approach:

tfidf(t,d,D) = tf(t,d) * idf(t,D)
IDF(t) = log_e(total number of documents / number of documents that contain term t)

Where t denotes the terms; d denotes each document; D denotes the collection of documents.

Suppose that you need to handle process lots of documents -- let me show you how to do it using SAS Viya. I used these four steps.

Step 1: Start CAS Server and create a CAS library.

cas casauto host="" port=5570;
libname mycas cas;
<h4>Step 2: Load your data into CAS. </h4>
Here to simply the code, I only tried 3 sentences for demo purpose. 
data mycas.data_test;
   infile cards dlm='|' missover;
   input _document_ fact :$100.;

Once the data in loaded to CAS, you may run following code to check the column information and record count of your corpus.

proc cas;
  table.columnInfo / table="data_test";
  table.recordCount / table="data_test";

Step 3: Tokenize texts into N-grams

%macro TextToNgram(dsin=, docvar=, textvar=, N=, dsout=);
proc cas;
   loadactionset "dataStep";
   dscode =
      "data &dsout;
         set &dsin;
         length _term_ varchar(&N);
         _tmpStr_ = &textvar;
         do while (klength(_tmpStr_)>0);
            _maxN_=min(klength(_tmpStr_), &N);
            do _i_=1 to _maxN_;
              _term_ = ksubstr(_tmpStr_, 1, _i_);
            if klength(_tmpStr_)>1 then _tmpStr_ = ksubstr(_tmpStr_, 2); 
            else _tmpStr_ = ''; 
         keep &docvar _term_;
   runCode code = dscode; 
%mend TextToNgram;
%TextToNgram(dsin=data_test, docvar=_document_, textvar=text, N=3, dsout=NGRAMS);

Step 4: Calculate TF-IDF.

%macro NgramTfidfCount(dsin=, docvar=, termvar=, dsout=);
proc cas;
simple.groupBy / table={name="&dsin"}
                 inputs={"&docvar", "&termvar"}
                 casout={name="NGRAMS_Count", replace=true};
proc cas;
simple.groupBy / table={name="&dsin"}
                 inputs={"&docvar", "&termvar"}
                 casout={name="term_doc_nodup", replace=true};
simple.groupBy / table={name="term_doc_nodup"}
                 casout={name="doc_nodup", replace=true};
numRows result=r/ table={name="doc_nodup"};
totalDocs = r.numrows;
simple.groupBy / table={name="term_doc_nodup"}
                 casout={name="term_numdocs", replace=true};
mergePgm = 
    "data &dsout;"
      || "merge NGRAMS_Count(keep=&docvar &termvar _score_ rename=(_score_=tf))
            term_numdocs(keep=&termvar _score_ rename=(_score_=numDocs));"
      || "by &termvar;"
      || "idf=log("||totalDocs||"/numDocs);"
      || "tfidf=tf*idf;"
      || "run;";
print mergePgm;
dataStep.runCode / code=mergePgm;
%mend NgramTfidfCount;
%NgramTfidfCount(dsin=NGRAMS, docvar=_document_, termvar=_term_, dsout=NGRAMS_TFIDF);

Now let's see the TFIDF result of the first sentence.

proc print data=sascas1.NGRAMS_TFIDF;
   where _document_=1;

ngram results

These N-gram methods are not designed only for Chinese documents; and documents in any language can be tokenized with this method. However, the tokenization granularity of English documents is different from Chinese documents, which is word-based rather than character-based. To handle English documents, you only need to make small changes to my code.


About Author

Emily Gao

Director Analytics Development Groups, SAS Beijing R&D

Emily Gao manages two product lines: Decision Manager and Text Analytics. She received her data mining masters degree in 2002, and has been with SAS for 15-years.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for your article over N-GRAM and more over your way of explanation. Currently, i'm working on sentimental analysis of Review data (Amazon data) on SAS EG. I have completed the process of eliminating stoplist word from raw data and doing N-gram process on data, i did TRI-gram on my data but i'm confuse how to do next step for that output data from n-gram process, my aim is to calculate only frequency(term frequency) of neutral, positive and negative word. so could you please help me with any article or any example.


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