I did a double-take last week when a conference chair told me that there’s grant money available for students, faculty and SAS junior professionals but few have applied. In one case, there were no applications submitted. We're hoping this is just a temporary glitch, a holdup resulting from too-busy schedules at the end of the academic year or too many work deadlines.
Every regional SAS users group and many of the local users groups offer grants and scholarships, and they’re excellent opportunities for professional development. The criteria, focus and programs may vary from one user group to another, but there’s one thing all user groups have in common—their enthusiasm for encouraging and developing the next generation of SAS professionals.
Applications are still being accepted for many of these awards. So please check out the regional users group nearest you and take advantage of these opportunities today!
SESUG: Deadline June 30
WUSS: Deadline July 14
MWSUG: Deadline July 7
SCSUG: Information coming soon!
To learn how you can benefit by participating in one of these great programs, check these recent posts:
- SAS conferences offer opportunities for students and young professionals
- Student scholarship programs available at SAS users group conferences
Please don't miss this opportunity to network with other SAS professionals and make your skills more visible.