By now, I’m sure you have created your personal agenda for SAS Global Forum – so guess I will see you on Tuesday morning (9:30 am) in the Southern Hemisphere V area for the Get Your “Fast Pass” to Building Business Intelligence with SAS and Google Analytics presentation. Angela Hall and I have a great presentation about how we extracted the Google Analytics information from our BI Notes blog using SAS Business Intelligence. We uncovered some interesting trends – so drop by to learn more about the SAS Business Intelligence toolset and some Google Analytics basics. SAS Press is also giving away a copy of our book – Building Business Intelligence with SAS to one lucky attendee.
Here are some other papers that I have on my personal Agenda Builder:
- Lost in Wonderland? Methodology for a Guided Drill-Through Analysis Out of the Rabbit Hole
Steve Overton, who blogs at BI-Notes, is talking about “data infrastructure needed to support this type of information system through the use of OLAP technology, effective data architecture, report linking, and information maps.” Steve is doing three other papers – one about moving users from Automagically Herding 101 SAS® Users from Microsoft Active Directory to SAS Metadata, 10,000 Leagues of Data... Divide and Conquer OLAP Cubes: Best Practices for High Volumes of Data and another about developing a flexible ETL process so changes are noted within the entire data warehouse. And you thought he only knew about SAS OLAP cubes!
- Create Multi-Sheet Excel Workbook for Large Data Sets by SAS® and VBA, Charlie Huang will demonstrate a quick way to create multiple sheets for your SAS output. Very cool method using some VBA code that is easy to learn! Charlie blogs at SAS Analysis - always some cool, practical ideas from him.
- An Advanced, Multi-Featured Macro Program for Reviewing Logs, Chris Swenson shows you how to use his super-fancy %CHECKLOG macro to review your programs. Chris blogs at Thoughts from Both Sides and his macro library is the bomb!
- Capitalizing on SAS® and Hadoop. Been hearing a lot about SAS and Hadoop – so I'm curious to learn more about what Hadoop is and what cool things it will bring to SAS Business Intelligence. There are some other papers on this topic as well – so I may be a busy lady.
- Leveraging an Upgrade to Improve Metadata, Brent Whitesel and Angela Hall discuss strategies for working with SAS folder metadata structure. This paper will be a little advanced – but I’m sure there are some tips for all the SAS Administrators out there.
I'll be tweeting from SAS Global Forum, too. You can follow me on Twitter - I'm @TAanderud. I'll be using the hashtag #sasgf12.