Christine Kjellberg 1
I am thankful

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, it’s a time to remember all that we are thankful for. Of course, I think we should remember all year long what we are truly thankful for and what matters most in our lives, but I digress. One of the small things that

Stacey Hamilton 0
In My Own Words

I can still remember most of the lines of the poem: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both . . . I’ve forgotten what I ate for lunch yesterday, so for me to remember the words of Robert Frost's “The Road Not Taken,”

Christine Kjellberg 1
The Creeps

I realize that Halloween is a week behind us, but thinking of some of things I saw last week I still get the creeps. For example, we had a pumpkin decorating contest here in our building at SAS. Well, one contestant called their pumpkin “The Rat” – and on the

Shelly Goodin 1
What’s up with PROC CERTIFY?

Contributed by Dan Harrell, project leader for Documentation Development’s certification guides I’m sure you are eagerly following Christine Kjellberg and Stacey Hamilton’s journey to become certified 9.2 base SAS programmers? Tracking their adventure is more fun than reality TV. Who needs “Survivor” or “Big Brother” when we have Christine’s and

Christine Kjellberg 0
The right attitude

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude – Thomas Jefferson How true this saying is for all of us in various situations. Our study group met this week for the second

Shelly Goodin 3
The other side of Mount Certify

Contibuted by Brenda Kalt, Development Tester, Publications Product Testing I work in Publications, and I'm looking at “PROC CERTIFY;” from the other side of the mountain. In September I took the exam and passed it comfortably. I reviewed three nights before taking it (generally missing what I should have read

Stacey Hamilton 0
The right note

Have you seen that new show Glee? It is a musical-comedy about a glee club struggling to survive in a cheerleader-dominated world. Fox describes it as “a new comedy for the aspiring underdog in all of us.” I’m feeling like an aspiring underdog these days. But, like the kids in

Christine Kjellberg 1
It takes a village

I have visited Oslo, Norway’s Vigeland Park and also have a postcard in my office of the little Angry Boy (Sinnataggen) statue and it reminds me of the frustration I have occasionally felt while attempting to teach myself SAS programming. There are times when I want to mimic this little’s

Learn SAS
Stacey Hamilton 0
Learn from the past, look to the future

“We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately” —Benjamin Franklin Burlington, Vermont, 14 September—Here I sit in my room in the Burlington Hilton, damp from getting lost in a rainstorm walking around a small college town. I reflect: Why am I watching Monday Night Football instead