Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 3
Tip on creating graphic files in specific locations

When trying to write out graphics to a specific filename location, the gsfname option is only honored when ODS LISTING is turned on and ODS HTML is turned off. This is especially important in 9.3 Base SAS as the ODS HTML option is the default output destination. Enterprise Guide users

Angela Hall 1
New 9.3 Framework Data Server

Just got some time to begin playing with the 9.3 Enterprise Business Intelligence installation on my SAS laptop. As I was testing out the web applications, SASWebDoc opened but IĀ couldn't get to the SAS login screen up to access the SAS Stored Process web application. First I started perusing my

Angela Hall 0
Edit your shared prompts

Creating shared prompts to use across the various BI clients requires the use of SAS Management Console's stored process wizard. Editing these prompts after they have been shared requires some forethought. The important thing to consider when making any changes to a prompt's properties is the impact these changes could

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