Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 1
Managing Metadata via a EG GUI

If you don't have SAS Management Console, you can still view the BIP Tree from SAS Enterprise Guide. This is particularly useful for (cough -- all) organizations that need to reduce their exposure of incorrect Metadata changes. In SAS Enterprise Guide, Select 'View' -> 'SAS Folders'. Then users can create

Angela Hall 0
SAS Global Forum - Event w/o the Event

Well, the countdown to the SGF09 event began (at least according to an email I saw this morning). For those attending; the educational, networking and entertainment opportunities abound. But for those of you who are unable to attend, I found an interesting article from a fellow twitterer that you might

Angela Hall 1
Getting Approval for the SGF2009 Conference

It's obvious that you have missed the submission deadline to get your own paper into the SGF2009 Washington DC Conference, so that can not be the reason to attend. So what steps can you take to convince your boss that paying for the conference is a good benefit for them

Angela Hall 0
2009 Business Projections from Zencos

Posted on https://blogs.sas.com/content/sascom: Our friends at Zencos also offered a few predictions and recommendations, including: Increasing efficiencies: Companies will be reallocating resources effectively to succeed (or at least stay in business). Focused industries: Follow the new administration’s priorities to see which industries will bounce back first – government infrastructure, healthcare

Angela Hall 4
SAS Enterprise Guide across a proxy firewall

We recently confirmed (via http://support.sas.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=10&start;=0) that SAS Enterprise Guide does not support proxy servers between itself and SAS servers (metadata, workspace, stored process, etc). However, if the proxy server can be transparent then EG can work through it. While implementing SAS BI at a customer site we needed to access

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