Tag: business intelligence

Michele Reister 0
Top 5 Tips from a Popular SAS BI Blog

Contributed by Angela Hall, author of the Real Business Intelligence for Real Users' blog, an acclaimed blog for tips and tricks on SAS BI. Angela works for SAS Professional Services as a Technical Architect and holds a MBA with a Technology Management focus and a BA in Statistics. You can

Angela Hall 0
CASE statement syntax in Information Map Studio

CASE statements are a powerful mechanism in SQL code to analysis, recode, etc data. In Information Map Studio, you can utilize this CASE statement via the Expression Editor Window. Create a new data item and click edit in the 'Expression Settings' area. From the Categories - CASE operator folder, there

Angela Hall 0
Strategies to address locked files issue

So you've got a nightly process that updates a file somewhere. Unfortunetly, something still has it locked and the update fails, the nightly process crashes & burns, and someone at 8am upon arriving decides to blast you for not having updated data ready for them to analyze. Sound familar? There

Angela Hall 12
Uploading a file (via the web) into SAS

I must recommend that you check out this example from pg 70 of the SAS Stored Process Developers Guide. http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/stpug/61271/PDF/default/stpug.pdf This is a pretty sweet example of how to upload a file from your machine (via Internet Explorer) into the SAS System. A custom form can be created in html

Angela Hall 0
Tired of typing domain/username to access SAS components?

The following option can be added to the Metadata Server to default users to a specific DOMAIN. This removes the requirement of using domainusername or username@domain formats for the username field.   -authproviderdomain (HOSTUSER:DOMAINNAME) I made this modification within the file: ..Lev1\SASMeta\MetadataServersasv9_usermods.cfg   In SAS Management Console, you must still

Angela Hall 1
References for using the XML engine

Included are some references for using the Libname XML Engine. This can be handy for writing and reading xml. SAS Documentation on the XML Libname for 9.2: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/engxml/61740/HTML/default/a002594363.htm An example of exporting a SAS dataset using a custom tagset is located at: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/engxml/61740/HTML/default/a002975327.htm The SAS User Group paper http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi29/119-29.pdf also provides

Angela Hall 1
Exporting last submitted code from Enterprise Guide

You can export the .sas code from a specific task or the entire project into a .sas file! It's great when publishing a project into a repeatable batch/schedule process. However, be aware of default names for the .sas resulting file. I recently ran across an error when exporting a task

Angela Hall 0
Portal page orders - using page rank (v9.2)

When pages are created, the author can choose the 'rank' which defines the order of tabs for users. (The default is 100.) However, users have the ability to view tabs in this manner or reorder for their viewing pleasure. These options are located within the menu 'Options - Change Page

Angela Hall 0
Bookmarking the Stored Process web application list

The default web application for the Stored Process system takes you to a lovely screen with introductions and samples. However, wouldn't it be nice to skip this screen to just jump right into the stored processes you have created? For 9.2, change the following URL to include your server/port name. This

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