3 reasons to learn more about JSL


With the publication of JSL Companion: Applications of the JMP Scripting Language, by Theresa Utlaut, Georgia Morgan, and Kevin Anderson, novice scripters now have a resource that helps them go beyond the basics of the JMP Scripting Language (JSL).

Why JSL? The authors have the answers:

1.  Easy to start scripting.
It’s easy to begin scripting with JSL. The command structure uses a familiar function notation. Each JMP graph, table, and analysis report includes a method to write the JSL source commands to recreate that report.

Often, a person who has never written a script can glue together JMP-written commands to create a time-saving script for repetitive analyses. Even experienced scripters find that letting JMP write your script saves time.

2.  Get results.
Getting the desired result often means customizing output by combining analyses from multiple JMP platforms. JMP reports are just nested lists of display box components. JSL allows access to almost all components to create and customize JMP reports. Once the basics of report navigation are learned, users can create custom reports by nesting desired display box components.

After spending a short time reading this book, novice scripters can create a custom layout of multiple analyses. These concepts naturally motivate other customizations, such as adding legends, updating graph titles, and specifying axes properties.

3.  Advanced scripting features.
JSL includes advanced programming features, for example, associative arrays, functions, expressions, and variable scoping.  The JSL implementations of these programming constructs often add extra capability that motivates experienced programmers to claim: “That’s really nice!”

For example, the JSL associative array includes the method (message) to find the intersection of two associative arrays and maintains the keys in a lexicographical order.  This is in addition to multiple methods to create and the standard set of methods to manage associative arrays. There are many other examples of advanced scripting features to learn!

So what are you waiting for? Make this book your go-to JSL companion, and get results today!

Want to know more? Click here for a free chapter or order your copy.



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