My mother-in-law goes digital


My mother-in-law threw down the gauntlet today and created her first email account.  While it’s the longest email address I’ve ever seen, she’s taken a giant step into our digital world. And while she’s a very hip and independent 60-something woman, I am still sort of reeling from her change in online status.

We've all been like my mother-in-law—venturing into something radically new to us—at least once in our lives. Remember when renting a VHS tape instead of Beta was a big deal? Or when a single computer on television took up a 10 x  10 foot room and the Walkman was the coolest portable device ever? Today is not so different. Instead of tangible items (excluding mobile devices of course), we've been fast-tracked into a mostly invisible world of rapid-fire communication.

Despite my profession, it’s challenging staying on top of  the many current and emerging (think Google+) social media trends. And there’s pressure to not sink into a nice comfortable pair of  favorite old Levis when skinny jeans are suddenly the new thing. Becoming “dated” isn’t an option.

I slightly envy my mother-in-law’s less complicated (online) life. However, I know that taking an extended electronic holiday would drive me to desperation. Even in my personal life, I’m sort of at the mercy of my iPhone. While smart, let’s just hope that these devices don’t develop their own artificial intelligence and one day rule the world. I guess it's possible. More likely, however, is that I'll soon get a request from my mother-in-law to friend me on Facebook. :)


About Author

Shelly Goodin

Social Media Specialist, SAS Publications

Shelly Goodin is SAS Publications' social media marketer and the editor of "SAS Publishing News". She’s worked in the publishing industry for over thirteen years, including seven years at SAS, and enjoys creating opportunities for fans of SAS and JMP software to get to know SAS Publications' many offerings and authors.


  1. 60-somethings are not to be taken lightly! Not content with google & her yahoo account, My mom's already been asking about fb.. when she found out I posted a note to my friends asking about kitchen hoods :) she thought that's a really cool way to research before shopping..

    • Shelly Goodin

      Thanks for sharing your 60+ online family member story. :) Your mom is savvy! My mother-in-law hasn't read my blog post (as far as I know) or friended me on FB, YET...

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