A new message for SAS programmers: give SAS Enterprise Guide a second look


SAS Technology Practice team member Anand Chitale has been analyzing how traditional SAS users typically work in the programming world.

He recently took the time to produce a demo that describes why experienced SAS programmers who may have shied away from using SAS® Enterprise Guide® in the past should give the latest version of the interface, version 4.3, a second look.

I interact often with veteran SAS programmers and am familiar with the reasons why some have been skeptical about using SAS Enterprise Guide to date. With the latest SAS Enterprise Guide release, however, I think experienced programmers should give the interface new consideration.

If you’ve been using the SAS Display Manager Session (DMS) to create SAS programs for years now, watch this brief demo to learn more about the new capabilities inside the latest SAS Enterprise Guide release that can increase your productivity and level of responsiveness inside your organization. It’s time for a second look!


About Author

Michele Reister

Marketing Specialist

Michele Reister has worked in the Education Division at SAS since 2004. During that time she has played many roles including marketing training courses, developing product bundles, managing conferences and overseeing the division’s discount programs. Currently, she is responsible for the division’s social media strategy. Michele holds a BS in Management and Information Technology from Daniel Webster College and an MBA from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Michele is a perpetual student herself and is constantly looking for better ways to serve SAS’ user population. When she’s not expanding her knowledge of marketing, Michele enjoys group fitness classes, cooking, volunteering, reading and chasing after her two children.


  1. Sunil Gupta on

    Thanks for this informative SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 demo! I will forward this link to my clients.

  2. Claus G. Rasmussen on

    Excellent, I'll sit back and wait patiently for it.
    ..and in the meantime post about anywhere I can

  3. Chris Hemedinger on

    Thanks for your comments.
    No, you're not alone in missing the powerful quick-filtering capabilities of VIEWTABLE (the data view window in SAS Display Manager).
    This is something that the SAS Enterprise Guide team is working on for a future release: a more interactive data viewer within the product. The goal is to provide the power of VIEWTABLE for experienced users, but also make it easy to use for those less experienced with SAS.

  4. Claus G. Rasmussen on

    I've seen and tried many of the great code-helping features in EG4.3, but there is one single missing feature, which keeps sending me back to SAS DMS, and I have been wondering if it is just me doing some odd kind of coding in an odd business/system environment, or if you've seen other veteran sas coders missing the same feature:
    - the command line interface to subselect records in a dataset view
    In DMS, I can open a dataset, type "where customer_id = 12345" and then see that single record and browse the variable values for it - all within 1-2 seconds. I really miss being able to do that as quickly and easily in EG.

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