3 Questions with F2010 Business Forecasting Conference Co-Chairs


The F2010 Business Forecasting Conference will take place June 7-8 in Cary, NC at SAS Headquarters. Here’s the transcript from a brief interview with the conference co-chairs.

Jerry Oglesby
Tim Rey

Jerry Oglesby is the Director of Higher Education Consulting and Global Certification within the Education Division at SAS. He has been a conference co-chair since its inaugural year in 2006. Tim Rey is the manager of Dow Chemical’s Advanced Analytics group and is this year’s external co-chair, bringing his 30+ years of experience to the conference program.

1. What speaker are you most looking forward to meeting and why?

Oglesby: Dr. Sven Crone. His keynote presentation titled "Artificial Neural Networks – the Science of Forecasting?" will be a good look at combining some of the data mining techniques for modeling with forecasting techniques and has a great deal of promise for new and innovative ways of doing forecasting.

Rey: Joseph Ellis because of his pragmatic approach to choosing variables/structure for forecasting problems.

2. What three presentations are essential for SAS users to attend?

Oglesby: I would expect that the presentation to be given by John Willey and Ken Seiden of The Cadmus Group titled "What Does “Green” Mean for Utilities? Sales Forecasting in a Green Future" would be a good one;

I would also recommend Sven Crone’s paper noted above;

I would also suggest that the presentation to be given by Anne Robinson and Harjit Singh of Cisco, titled "How do you take an Operationally Focused Organization and Transform it into a Customer-Centric One?" will be a great one to attend as well.

Rey: I would recommend the presentations given by:

- Oral Capps (Does More Information Imposed on the Forecasting Process Lead to Improved Performance?"),

- Kevin Nitz "Leading a Forecasting and Demand Planning Transformation at MillerCoors"),

- and Anne Robinson and Harjit Singh "How do you take an Operationally Focused Organization and Transform it into a Customer-Centric One?").

All three talks have a focus on organizational and informational transformations in forecasting.

3. If you could sum up the conference in one word, what would it be and why?

Oglesby: "Opportunities" because of the abundance of opportunities to learn from leading experts in the forecasting field.

Rey: "Change" because the forecasting field is changing: more complexity, more data, more "blending" of approaches (simulation, neural networks).


About Author

Michele Reister

Marketing Specialist

Michele Reister has worked in the Education Division at SAS since 2004. During that time she has played many roles including marketing training courses, developing product bundles, managing conferences and overseeing the division’s discount programs. Currently, she is responsible for the division’s social media strategy. Michele holds a BS in Management and Information Technology from Daniel Webster College and an MBA from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Michele is a perpetual student herself and is constantly looking for better ways to serve SAS’ user population. When she’s not expanding her knowledge of marketing, Michele enjoys group fitness classes, cooking, volunteering, reading and chasing after her two children.

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