Operation PROC CERTIFY; begins!


Becoming SAS Certified is no easy task. Don't you have the fondest memories of studying for the SAT or GRE? Late nights poring over practice exams, running through vocabulary flashcards with study partners, and attending prep courses. What I remember most was the absolute rush of relief upon finishing these kinds of tests. Woo hoo—done! While similar in some aspects, obtaining the coveted SAS Certification is a whole different ballgame, and one I can only relate to on the most basic of late-night-studying, exam-taking, hoping-for-a-huge-score levels.

Enter our first feature here at Open Mic we affectionately call PROC CERTIFY;. Two of my colleagues have agreed (yes, willingly) to blog and Twitter their experiences toward becoming SAS Certified. Stacey Hamilton (pictured right) and Christine Kjellberg (pictured left) both share a liberal arts background and work only a few offices from each other. They have no background in SAS programming, save an introductory course or two, and want to pursue the Base Certification while juggling their 9-5 responsibilities in the Publications division.

Their plan is to use the new edition of the SAS Certification Prep Guide to prepare for the exam, along with a few other of our titles, including Learning SAS by Example and SAS for Dummies. We will follow their journey here on Open Mic through weekly posts each Friday. In addition to their blogging, follow Stacey and Christine on Twitter and on our Facebook page for updates, photos and all kinds of goodies related to their studying woes, late-night snack choices, and exam tips.

Join us here this Friday for Stacey's first post where she reveals her motivations for becoming SAS Certified. I look forward to your comments and hope that you will support my two courageous friends along with me!


About Author

Shelly Goodin

Social Media Specialist, SAS Publications

Shelly Goodin is SAS Publications' social media marketer and the editor of "SAS Publishing News". She’s worked in the publishing industry for over thirteen years, including seven years at SAS, and enjoys creating opportunities for fans of SAS and JMP software to get to know SAS Publications' many offerings and authors.


  1. Pingback: PROC CERTIFY underway - The SAS Dummy

  2. I highly recommend Learning SAS by Example (although it does contain some typos and incorrect solutions in the back!). I use it as my textbook for the introductory SAS programming course that I teach at UCSD Extension. I know of at least one student who passed the Base SAS Certification exam after completing my course.

  3. Do you think this type of exercise will elevate the profile of SAS Certification?
    I have nothing against liberal arts majors or folks that work in Publications, but it strikes me that if these two fine ladies, non technical as they appear to be, certainly not SAS programmers, are able to pass the exam after reading a book or two, you've denigrated the certification process irreparably. Memorizing syntax does not a SAS programmer make!
    This is precisely the reason that many ( most? ) accomplished SAS programmers have not taken the certification exam.

  4. Stacey Hamilton on

    Thank you, Audi! That is very nice of you. I am here at NESUG this week, and I've been asking everyone if this is manageable. I will very likely take you up on this. Thanks again! Stacey

  5. If I may suggest, when Stacey and Christine are "done" with their review, I would encourage them to gauge their readiness for the actual certification exam by trying my exam simulator/reviewer (--a remnant of my sas2themax.com work before I joined SAS last year):
    For Stacey and Christine, I'm giving away this exam simulator and reviewer, free! (just e-mail me directly). Good luck ladies!
    SAS Certified Professional V8

  6. :) I just started the basic concepts course yesterday! Following your path, but on a more private route!!! I am signed up for Prog1 in October...

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