Using SAS Enterprise Guide with your local SAS installation


serverlist_withlocalIf you have SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS for Windows installed on a machine together, they should Just Work. There is no special setup required. But...what if they don't?

I've posted an article in the SAS Enterprise Guide community about this topic. Read the article to learn:

  • How to select "No profile" mode in SAS Enterprise Guide.
  • How to add your Local SAS into the mix when you're connected to a SAS Metadata environment
  • How to "fix" your local system when SAS Enterprise Guide can't find your local SAS installation.

See the full article >> Using SAS Enterprise Guide with your local SAS installation

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Side note about Communities on SAS

I've always been a big fan of the Communities on SAS, where thousands of SAS practitioners interact to learn from each other. A good number of SAS employees also participate in the discussions, which means that many of the answers about SAS technology are coming directly from the developers who created it. But it's your participation that makes the communities rich and engaging.

And now I have a more professional interest in the communities, as I've just moved into the role of managing our SAS Online Communities program. My team of community managers would love to hear from you about what you like and what you think could be improved. We have big plans for the communities program, and your input is essential to help us build the space where you want to spend your time. Post back in the comments here, or send us your feedback using this form (select Discussion Forums or Communities as the category).


About Author

Chris Hemedinger

Director, SAS User Engagement

+Chris Hemedinger is the Director of SAS User Engagement, which includes our SAS Communities and SAS User Groups. Since 1993, Chris has worked for SAS as an author, a software developer, an R&D manager and a consultant. Inexplicably, Chris is still coasting on the limited fame he earned as an author of SAS For Dummies


  1. Thank you Chris for all the useful informations you give US
    I really appreciate all the TIPS and TRICKS on Guide
    Everything about : GUIDE + EXCEL+ ODS will be useful
    That is : GUIDE and ODS TAGSETS
    How to put information in an Excel Cell in an existing sheet with GUIDE
    How to change excel input file names or excel export files in a project without too much work
    2 Parallel processing in Guide with a node waiting for good execution of these two parallel treatement to pursue
    thank you in advance
    Hugues GERARD from PARIS_France

  2. I have a local install of SAS Foundation 9.4 and EG 6.1. I have a persistent issue which I so far have no solution for. SAS uses C:\users\username\appdata\local\temp to set up the work library. After I run a process flow it is populated with the output and a directory for each task with a file named 'results.log'.. I spend some time looking at the output and all is well. The issue is that after some period of time the work library data is deleted and I can no longer modify tasks or look at output. I posted to SAS-L and got some feedback but I still have no solution. If you have any ideas I would be very grateful. I have used SAS since the late 70's, but am relatively new to EG.

    • Chris Hemedinger
      Chris Hemedinger on

      Ray, I don't understand why the WORK folder is disappearing on you. I hear from customers all of the time who leave their SAS Enterprise Guide session up for days connected to the same SAS session (not that I recommend that!). I know that on SAS-L we shared some ideas to diagnose the cause of that problem - searching Windows Event Log for crashes, etc.

      But in the meantime, you might be able to take some steps to redirect the SAS WORK output to another folder, or prevent it from being deleted at the end of a session. See the WORK= option or NOWORKTERM system option.

      You can also use the USER system option to redirect SAS output to another location other than WORK for code that specifies just a one-level name (like DATA OUT; -- instead of WORK.OUT it would go to the USER.OUT location).

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