Tag: Data Analysis

Rick Wicklin 2
What is loess regression?

Loess regression is a nonparametric technique that uses local weighted regression to fit a smooth curve through points in a scatter plot. Loess curves are can reveal trends and cycles in data that might be difficult to model with a parametric curve. Loess regression is one of several algorithms in

Rick Wicklin 5
The empty-space distance plot

How far away is the nearest hospital? How far is the nearest restaurant? The nearest gas station? These are commonly asked questions whose answers depend on the location of the person asking the question. Recently I showed an algorithm that enables you to find the distance between a set of

Rick Wicklin 4
Visualize a weighted regression

What is weighted regression? How does it differ from ordinary (unweighted) regression? This article describes how to compute and score weighted regression models. Visualize a weighted regression Technically, an "unweighted" regression should be called an "equally weighted " regression since each ordinary least squares (OLS) regression weights each observation equally.

Rick Wicklin 7
Create an ogive in SAS

My son is taking an AP Statistics course in high school this year. AP Statistics is one of the fastest-growing AP courses, so I welcome the chance to see topics and techniques in the course. Last week I was pleased to see that they teach data exploration techniques, such as

Rick Wicklin 0
The distribution of nearest neighbor distances

Last week I showed how to compute nearest-neighbor distances for a set of numerical observations. Nearest-neighbor distances are used in many statistical computations, including the analysis of spatial point patterns. This article describes how the distribution of nearest-neighbor distances can help you determine whether spatial data are uniformly distributed or

Advanced Analytics
Rick Wicklin 8
Compute nearest neighbors in SAS

Finding nearest neighbors is an important step in many statistical computations such as local regression, clustering, and the analysis of spatial point patterns. Several SAS procedures find nearest neighbors as part of an analysis, including PROC LOESS, PROC CLUSTER, PROC MODECLUS, and PROC SPP. This article shows how to find

Rick Wicklin 3
Graph a step function in SAS

Last week I wrote about how to compute sample quantiles and weighted quantiles in SAS. As part of that article, I needed to draw some step functions. Recall that a step function is a piecewise constant function that jumps by a certain amount at a finite number of points. Graph

Rick Wicklin 4
Weighted percentiles

Many univariate descriptive statistics are intuitive. However, weighted statistic are less intuitive. A weight variable changes the computation of a statistic by giving more weight to some observations than to others. This article shows how to compute and visualize weighted percentiles, also known as a weighted quantiles, as computed by

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