How to unlock the potential of data


Today there is a lot of talk about why analytics matter. New times and the new digital world calls for new ways of working. We know that we have to increase the productivity of knowledge work, and analytics is the key.

The big question is HOW. How to unlock the potential of massive amounts of data coming at us via IoT: to predict potential failures earlier, to raise quality, lower warranty costs, predict customer demand better - to name just a few use cases.

We want to help you with the HOW. I invite you to investigate further: to read my other blog posts on analytics, my colleagues' posts on the SAS Blogs portal, our SAS Insights articles and customer stories. Hopefully they will inspire you to discover how analytics can help with your data.



About Author

Christer Bodell

Industry Advisor, Nordic Region

I believe Analytics is foremost a mindset, a willingness. With willingness we can lay out the path to readiness, and with readiness great results can be achieved. I initiate and engage in progressive discussions around Analytics, from IoT to Sports. Sports because it contributes to society in many ways, not least with highly valuable insights regarding performance vs results. I thrive on understanding Why, mapping out How and defining What it takes. Email:

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