
Mike Gilliland 0
How to find a job in business forecasting

If you are looking to find a job in business forecasting, or trying to fill one, there are many online resources available: Professional Organizations Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning - Very active searchable list of currently available jobs in forecasting and planning, from entry level to executive. Employers post

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 6)

Q: ­Is the MAPE of the naive forecast the basis for understanding the forecastability of the behavior?  Or are there other more in depth ways to measure the forecastability of a behavior? MAPE of the naive forecast indicates the worst you should be able to forecast the behavior. You can

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 5)

Q: ­Company always try to forecast 12 or 24m ahead. Whether we should track accuracy of 1m/3m/ 6m or x month forecast, does that depend on lead time?  How to determine out of these 12/24 months, which month should we track accuracy? Correct, forecast performance is usually evaluated against the

Mike Gilliland 2
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 4)

Q: ­What is a legitimate goal to expect from your FVA...5%, 10%? Q: ­How do we set Target FVA which Forecasters can drive towards?­ The appropriate goal is to do no worse than a naive model, that is FVA ≥ 0. Sometimes, especially over short periods of time, you may

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 3)

With this Q&A Part 3, we are about halfway through the questions submitted during the FVA webinar. We did over 15 minutes of live Q&A at the end of the webinar, and covered many of the submitted questions at that time, however I always prefer to issue complete written responses to

Mike Gilliland 1
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 2)

Q: Could you send me the presentation? With audio if possible. If you'd like a pdf of the slides, email me directly: mike.gilliland@sas.com For the audio, the webinar recording is available for free on-demand review: FVA: A Reality Check on Forecasting Practices Q: Can we get the case study referred here

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 1)

As promised in yesterday's Foresight-SAS sponsored webinar on "Forecast Value Added: A Reality Check on Forecasting Practices," here is Part 1 of my written response to the over 25 questions that were submitted during the event. (Note: It may take a week or so to get through all of them.)

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