
Dylan Jones
Founder, Data Quality Pro and Data Migration Pro

Dylan Jones is the founder of Data Quality Pro and Data Migration Pro, popular online communities that provide a range of practical resources and support to their respective professions. Dylan has an extensive information management background and is a prolific publisher of expert articles and tutorials on all manner of data related initiatives.

Data Management
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The causal link between education and data quality

Here on the Data Roundtable we've discussed many topics such as root-cause analysis, continual improvement and defect prevention. Every organization must focus on these disciplines to create long-term value from data quality improvement instead of some fleeting benefit. Nowhere is this more important than the need for an appropriate education strategy, both in

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The two worlds of data quality motivation

How do you convince executives, frontline workers, middle managers and everyone else in your organization that data quality is a worthwhile activity for them to support? The answer is to tap into their personal motivation. It is one of the most important data quality lessons to master because everything else

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Ideas for justifying your data quality existence

Conference season is hotting up in the UK, and there are no doubt lots of practitioners putting the finishing touches to their data quality presentations. One interesting observation I’ve encountered is a high churn rate amongst data quality professionals, particularly within the leadership community. Their decision to quit is not

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Data quality - one dimension at a time

I was recently asked what I would focus on given limited funds and resources to kickstart a data quality initiative. This is a great question, because I’m sure many readers will find themselves in this position at some point in their career. My answer is to become ruthlessly focused on

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How to re-balance a data migration project plan

How do you structure your data migration plan? How do you allocate resources and timescales so that you maximise your chance of success? In this article I want to explore some data migration project planning misconceptions and give you some pointers for an alternative approach. One of the big improvements

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3 (low cost) tactics for data quality improvement

When I speak to our members on Data Quality Pro, a lot of their fears revolve around budgetary issues: “Will I be able to create a compelling business case for the finance steering committee?” “Will our funding run out before we complete phase 1?” “How can we hire new staff

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How to re-frame your data quality elevator pitch

If you work in a data quality team then chances are you’ll experience that awkward moment when someone in your organization asks the obvious question: "So what does a data quality team do?" Most people (outside of data quality) find this a relatively straightforward question to answer, but it always

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