How to re-frame your data quality elevator pitch


If you work in a data quality team then chances are you’ll experience that awkward moment when someone in your organization asks the obvious question:

"So what does a data quality team do?"

Most people (outside of data quality) find this a relatively straightforward question to answer, but it always strikes me at events and industry meetups just how many people struggle to convey the importance and function of their data quality role.

The problem lies with framing the discussion in such a way as to make it relevant to the other party. Instead of considering the other person's role, the data quality evangelist will suddenly begin talking about what their team does at a functional level. They get bogged down in the features as opposed to the benefits. As I mentioned, you need to frame the discussion by first asking what the other party does within the organisation.

Let’s say they're an HR manager. This may seem a world away from data quality but the similarities are there. HR ensures that the organisation remains safe, compliant with regulatory laws and is continuously managing its people assets throughout their lifecycle within the organisation. Data quality management has exactly the same goal but for information assets, instead of people.

The next time you're struggling to explain the function of data quality management in your organization, try a re-framing exercise and translate your goals into a language the other person can relate to.

It’s not just for watercooler moments, of course. At some point you'll need to present to senior management and demonstrate how data quality management impacts their goals and personal journeys in the organisation. By learning reframing now you'll be developing a much needed data quality skill for the longer term.

How could you re-frame data quality for people in your organisation? Welcome your ideas below.


About Author

Dylan Jones

Founder, Data Quality Pro and Data Migration Pro

Dylan Jones is the founder of Data Quality Pro and Data Migration Pro, popular online communities that provide a range of practical resources and support to their respective professions. Dylan has an extensive information management background and is a prolific publisher of expert articles and tutorials on all manner of data related initiatives.

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