Cranking out content - Chris Brogan-style


And speaking of Chris Brogan, Chris writes a daily blog about, well (among other things), daily blogging. As a new media consultant and author on the topic, he practices what he preaches when it comes to understanding and exploiting the tools at hand. If he's going to tell you to blog, he'd also better show you.

Chris' post today, "Cranking Out Content" offers some great tips on how to continue to come up with fresh, new and useful content. We've often provided tips on effective blogging via this blog - so thanks to Chris for keeping our content fresh and useful.

Chris often talks about the importance of  committing to a schedule. At the same time, he recommends staying open to your surroundings - finding creative ways to tie what interests you throughout the day to topics that interest your audience. It's a nice balance between structure and flexibility.

Most importantly, he reminds us all that "If you’re not reading books and blogs, then there’s no wonder you’re having trouble finding topics. Most ideas don’t come from a vacuum."

So here's one you should read - I'd love to hear if it triggers ideas for you as well.


About Author

Diane Lennox

PR Services Manager

Diane Lennox is PR Services Manager for SAS, the leader in business analytics software and services. A 30-year veteran in marketing communications and writing for all media, she has spent the past six years supporting SAS' internal PR agency by managing the Global PR Resource Center (internal), acting as international liaison with dozens of country PR managers, guiding PR measurement and monitoring, overseeing communications and media training, supporting the blogging and social media program and providing SEO guidance. She does not do windows.

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