
Viktor Hirvela
Account Executive

Viktor Hirvelä on SAS Instituten Senior Account Manager, jonka työ tähtää kilpailuedun tuottamiseen pankki- ja vakuutusalan toimijoille analytiikkaa hyödyntämällä. Häntä kiinnostavat digitalisaation aiheuttamien muutoksien lisäksi erityisesti tarjolla olevat uudet sovellutusmahdollisuudet sekä analytiikan integrointi osaksi digitaalisia palveluprosesseja. Vapaa-ajan asunnollaan Kemiössä Hirvelä hoitaa omenapuutarhaa ja valmistaa luomusiideriä. Myös golf on hänelle tärkeä harrastus. Viktor Hirvelä is a Senior Account Manager with the passion of providing value with analytics to customers in Banking and Insurance industry. He is interested in understading the potential of digitalization, adopting new technology and implementing analytics as a part of digital service processes. His hobbies include growing apples and making organic cider of them. Apart from that he devotes quite some time to golf.

Viktor Hirvela 0
The era of smart insurance is dawning

What if a reckless driver adopted a more responsible approach because the car insurance pricing was based on driving habits? What if the senior from next door had the insurance payments based on kilometres driven, resulting in significant savings? This may be reality sooner than you think. The Internet of Things will revolutionise

Internet of Things
Viktor Hirvela 0
The era of smart insurance is dawning

What if a reckless driver adopted a more responsible approach because the car insurance pricing was based on driving habits? What if the senior from next door had the insurance payments based on kilometres driven, resulting in significant savings? This may be reality sooner than you think. The Internet of Things will revolutionise