
Tuba Islam

Tuba Islam is an analytics expert in SAS UK, designing analytical solutions to solve complex business issues in creative and effective ways. She is specialised in predictive modelling, segmentation, text mining, forecasting and analytical life cycle management. Tuba has implemented many successful projects across different industries including rogue trader fraud detection, smart metering analytics, credit risk, churn prediction, rate making and demand forecasting. She has been at SAS for almost 10 years. Before joining SAS she worked in a research institute and developed projects on speech recognition and language identification. She has an engineering background and holds a master’s degree in digital signal processing.

Tuba Islam 0
Widening the use of unstructured data

Analyzing text is like a treasure hunt. It is hard to tell what you will end up with before you start digging and the things you find out can be quite unique, invaluable and in many cases full of surprises. It requires a good blend of instruments like business knowledge,