Clinical research generates extensive amounts of data, yet most of it is siloed or generally unavailable to a larger pool of willing potential researchers. If this data were liberated to the masses, we would venture into a world of endless possibilities where the search for new cures and treatments could
PharmaVOICE recently published an article: Analytics Driven Marketing for the pharmaceutical industry and I was fortunate enough to be interviewed. The article discusses the increased use of advanced analytics to make better marketing decisions, the progress that has been made and the challenges that still need to be overcome. Within
PharmaVOICE recently published an article: Analytics Driven Marketing for the pharmaceutical industry and I was fortunate enough to be interviewed. The article discusses the increased use of advanced analytics to make better marketing decisions, the progress that has been made and the challenges that still need to be overcome. Within
The high cost of pricing myopia When launching a pharmaceutical product, it’s not enough to negotiate the best reimbursable price for each local market. Overall financial performance will depend on successfully managing go-to-market strategies at the global level. That means determining the optimal price and launch sequence for all the
The high cost of pricing myopia When launching a pharmaceutical product, it’s not enough to negotiate the best reimbursable price for each local market. Overall financial performance will depend on successfully managing go-to-market strategies at the global level. That means determining the optimal price and launch sequence for all the