
Jim Cox
Director, Text Analytics R&D

James A. Cox has been the development manager for SAS Text Miner ever since its inception twelve years ago. Before that, he was one of the initial developers for SAS Enterprise Miner. Jim holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology and Computer Science from UNC-Chapel Hill, and has published a number of scholarly papers in the areas of psycholinguistics, categorization, and variable selection.

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Topical advice about topics, redux

In my last post, I talked about why SAS utilizes a rotated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) approach for topic generation, rather than using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).  I noted that LDA has undergone a variety of improvements in the last seven years since SAS opted to use the SVD method.  So, the

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Speaking the same language in SAS® Text Analytics

The first text analytics product SAS released to the market in 2002 was SAS® Text Miner to enable SAS users to extract insights from unstructured data in addition to structured data.  In 2009, in quick succession, SAS released two new products:  SAS® Enterprise Content Categorization and SAS® Sentiment Analysis.  These