Each year the SAS Global Users Group Executive Board (SGUGEB) solicits applications for the SAS Global Forum Conference Chair for the conference three years from now. Individuals are identified, applications are requested, submitted applications are reviewed, candidates are interviewed, and finally a choice is made.
We are asking for interested individuals to submit their application for SAS Global Forum 2021 Conference Chair. Yep, 2021! The SGUGEB wants to ensure that each conference chair has time to learn, gather ideas, generate ideas, learn from their predecessors and determine the focus for their conference.
Three years?
Is three years really necessary? Yep! The first year you will be working with the current conference team and begin to understand all the ins and outs of planning the content, organizing the content, and delivering the content. You will play a key role on the conference team, either on the Content Advisory Team or on the Content Delivery Team. This will help you in understanding the various roles and responsibilities of each team. In the second year, you will again play a key role on the conference team and will utilize the experience gained from the previous year to begin developing and determining your content focus, identify potential new initiatives, and begin to build your team. The third year is all about your conference and the implementation of the focus and initiatives you identified… all with the aid of your team of course.
Who are we looking for?
Good candidates should be active SAS users, authors, administrators, managers, and/or practitioners. Individuals should be active in the SAS community and other professional conferences and organizations as well. Good presentations and collaboration skills are a must. Also, candidates should have a vision on how they want to shape their conference to benefit the SAS Community. As an SASGF or Regional conference attendee, we have benefitted from the content and education we received. Those who have been a conference chair will tell you that it is an honor and a privilege to be able to shape the educational content delivered to our SAS Community.
My experience
As conference chair for SASGF 2016, I can tell you it was one of the most rewarding professional and personal experiences I have had. I was given the opportunity to work with a lot of intelligent and talented individuals who, like me, wanted to ensure that current and future SAS users have a place to learn and grow professionally. With over 5,000 attendees and Livestream content available to millions, my institution had increased visibility, I developed additional leadership skills (by chairing such a large international conference), and I got to know and spend time with some exceptional SAS users, SAS leaders and executives. The experience was worth all the time and effort I expended.
Ready to Apply
So, are you interested? If so, we invite you to peruse information about Conference Leadership and SAS Global Forum Conference Chair roles and responsibilities, as well as the many different volunteer opportunities that exist before, during and after SAS Global Forum, and then make an informed decision about whether to apply for conference chair.
I would encourage anyone interested in applying to submit an application. Information on how to apply is available here. As well, share this information with anyone you feel would make a great conference chair and remember that the application deadline is February 18, 2018.