Try it - you'll like it...


free trial of SAS Viya productsIt's a common mantra many parents use to encourage their children to expand their food choices and try something new. Even as adults we’re often more comfortable easing into the unfamiliar, taking small bites, tiny samples, even dipping a toe in the water before diving in headfirst.

Software is no different.

We’ve introduced trials of our latest products – and we encourage you to test them out, see what they are like and consider how they could benefit you and your organization.

SAS is currently offering a free trial of SAS Viya products. The latest evolution of the SAS platform. SAS Viya is a new engine, driving fast analytic answers for more data types, introducing new products, and accessible to those who code in SAS, use other coding languages – or prefer an interactive interface. Extending SAS 9, customers are enjoying the benefits, running existing code faster, adding new machine learning methods into existing SAS analysis and solving entirely new business questions – all from one, governed platform.

To help you learn more about this modernization of the SAS platform, we are now offering product trials at no cost and with no installation necessary. They even come with test data to deliver a complete experience. To start your free trial of SAS Viya products, just sign up at ‘Try It for Free’ – and choose your analytics trial experience. You’ll use your existing SAS profile – or create one if you don’t already have one – to register and get started. In just a couple of minutes after we receive your request, we’ll send you a link with instructions, videos and step-by-step scripts you can follow to sign onto your SAS-hosted image. All you need is a web browser and a little curiosity and you’re on your way to expanding your analytics arsenal.

So, what do you say? Try it… we know you’ll like it.


About Author

Fiona McNeill

Global Product Marketing Manager at SAS

With a background in applying analytics to real-world business scenarios, McNeill focuses on the automation of analytic insight in both business and application processing. Having been at SAS for over 15 years, she has worked with organizations across a variety of industries, understanding their business and helping them derive tangible benefit from their strategic use of technology. She is coauthor of the book Heuristics in Analytics: A Practical Perspective of What Influences Our Analytical World.

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